Internet a Gift from God Says Pope

Internet a Gift from God Says Pope

The infallible leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, is trying to boost his credentials as a modernizer by calling the Internet a gift from God. Thus implying that His Holiness may have browsed at least a few clips on YouTube, signed up for one […]

The Laws of the Internet

The Laws of the Internet

Millions of people regard the Internet as a place where anything goes, unencumbered by regulations, law and order, and, too often, virtually devoid of human decency. There are, however, several rules that govern how we behave online, whether we are aware of them or not. […]

What's InTheNet?

Who’s Caught the Internet

Recently it was brought to my attention that 40% of my beloved Internet got booted in a crazy ban-bot related incident. For a whole few minutes, I believe, the Internet felt like a little kid getting beaten on like a nerdy freshman. And, according to […]