Science Tells People Meat Is Bad… Again

Science Tells People Meat Is Bad… Again

Meat eaters beware, because science has hammered another nail into the coffin of your coveted carnivorous lifestyle. A few days before the New Year was ushered in, researchers at UC San Diego published findings linking red meat consumption to certain types of cancer. The study, […]

The Sweet Alternative to Sugar

The Sweet Alternative to Sugar

Last week we dug deep into one of the most commonplace dangers in our modern diet, sugar. So, let’s help you out of the woods. These natural wonders not only offer more variety of flavor and texture to play with in the kitchen than white […]

Sugar: The Most Addictive Poison

Sugar: The Most Addictive Poison

In 1900 the average yearly consumption of sugar was 5lbs per person, a figure which sky-rocketed to 150lbs by 2000. In the last decade, consumption has increased a further 23%. Where sugar was once used sparingly, sugar has found its way into almost every processed […]