Becca McCharen, Chromat and Fashion

Becca McCharen, Chromat and Fashion

My hunt for Sex Tech at CES 2015 paid off when I encountered Becca McCharen.  With a pair of scissors tattooed on her shoulder and hands like a bunch of bananas, Becca banters with her crew of exquisites and eccentrics and it’s about as incongruous […]

What NOT to Wear To the Office

The office space is a tricky environment. Of course you want to be judged solely on your merits, but how we dress affect what people think of us. Smarter dressed people are viewed as more confident, flexible and successful. In the office, you want to […]

Guys, Stop Shaving Your Chest

Guys, Stop Shaving Your Chest

It has come to my attention that there is a disturbing trend going around. That trend is men who come with luscious, god given fluffy chest hair shaving it all off in favor of a hairless variety. Oh, the blasphemy! Now, I get it that […]

How To Look Totally Badass

How To Look Totally Badass

Looking damn fine is a tricky thing, a generator of much unneeded stress. There are many schools of thought on how to dress to impress, and in general everything you get from fashion magazines, style blogs, and conversations you hear while trying to listen to […]


Nike Go Back to the Future

Above image: Marty McFly’s futuristic Nike High Tops ride the hoverboard in Back to the Future I’m not sure if this qualifies as “Thinking outside of the box,” but this latest collaboration between Nike Shoes, the inventor Blake Bevin and Tinker Hatfield, a designer, is […]