Obamacare VI: The Final Diagnosis

Obamacare VI: The Final Diagnosis

Henry Vespa concludes his Brit’s eye view of Obamacare by summing up everything he has learned so far… Well, that’s probably quite enough Obamacare for the time being. This foray may have been partisan and partial but as a random Brit, I followed what randomly interested […]

Obamacare V: The $64,000 Question

Obamacare V: The $64,000 Question

Continuing his Brit’s eye view of the Obamacare initiative, Henry Vespa asks: Is it working? The $64,000 question is, after the dust has settled, after the party political backbiting and manoeuvring, after the legal challenges, and after all the spurious stories and statements, is Obamacare […]

Obamacare IV: Pre-life, Pro-life and Afterlife

Obamacare IV: Pre-life, Pro-life and Afterlife

Continuing his Brit’s eye view of Obamacare, today Henry vespa looks at some of the craziness surrounding the bill… Constitutional challenges through the courts and practical IT difficulties aside, those in opposition to Obamacare also take more, shall we say, emotive stances; not the least […]

Obamacare III: Why All the Big Drama?

Obamacare III: Why All the Big Drama?

Above image via spirit of america Continuing his Brit’s-eye look at Obamacare, Henry Vespa wonders what all the fuss is about… So, what exactly is the beef here? Because although most people would be in general agreement with trying to increase health cover in the States, […]

Obamacare II: What's In A Name?

Obamacare II: What’s In A Name?

Henry Vespa continues his look at all things Obamacare. This week, why is it even called Obamacare? So, maybe this is a bit of a tangent but I got curious… how did everyone (on both sides of the great political divide) start calling this initiative […]


Obamacare I: A Brit’s Eye View

Above: View of the healthcare.gov website in Caldwell, Idaho on December 6, 2013. Image by txking / Shutterstock.com. In a brand new series of articles looking at the Affordable Care Act, Henry Vespa dives into the controversial waters of Obamacare. He begins by paddling in the […]