Improve Your Body At Home!

Improve Your Body At Home!

Along with its billion other benefits, the Internet has a rich ore of remedies to the strife and suffering that comes with wanting to go to the gym and subsequently finding every single reason to rescind that desire. The gym is a sweaty, smelly, oddly […]

8 Apps for Your Apple Healthcare Kit

For those of us who are health conscious out there, Apple’s newest iOS 8 update comes with really useful new features: the ability for a number of health and fitness products to share information with your iOS device through a new service called Healthkit. Consequently, […]

5 Surprising Male Yoga Instructors

5 Surprising Male Yoga Instructors

I know that men in yoga seem to have that stereotype of being skinny, vegan (or vegetarian), uber-bendy, hippy-dippy, feminine men who feeeeeel things and can cry at the movies with you. Now while I’m all for challenging gender stereotypes of what masculinity and femininity […]

Fitness App Review: Pacer

Fitness App Review: Pacer

I am pretty obsessed about walking. Perhaps obsessed is a strong word, but what else would you call someone who loves knowing just how many steps she takes a day? So yeah I bought myself a pedometer and used it till I discovered Pacer. Obviously […]

3 Best Fitness Tracking Websites

3 Best Fitness Tracking Websites

So I’ve been busy writing about all the amazing fitness apps out there, and today I’m gonna cover some really good fitness tracking websites. It might be enough for you to just use an app (and that’s totally ok) but for some of us we […]

Fitness App Review: MapMyFitness

Fitness App Review: MapMyFitness

I’m so excited to write about MapMyFitness in our Fitness App review series. I started using this app a month ago, mainly out of curiosity. To be completely honest, I didn’t think I would last so long because I usually get bored of apps after […]


App Review: MyFitnessPal

I’ve been on another of my fitness binges and thus have been scouring the app store for more apps that will help me (and now hopefully you as well) on my journey. Oh I’ve found some goodies indeed. This time around my goal was to […]

The Fitbit Flex Fitness Wristband

The Fitbit Flex Fitness Wristband

I wouldn’t say I was fat… umm, per sé, so to speak. But I’m 5’6″, middle aged and finding it harder coaching kids at soccer while I’m repeatedly wiping the sweat out of my eyes. I feel exactly like my Buddha statue in the back […]

workout videos

4 More Great Workout Videos

When it comes to working out, we here at BaDoink have no idea what we’re doing. That’s why we don’t leave things like this to chance. We had a crazy, crazy idea of producing workout videos for you lot ourselves, but, hey, who’s got time […]

Health and fitness apps

5 Great Health and Fitness Apps

Smartphones are really making it a lot easier for us to keep track of our health and wellness what with all the cool apps they have to help you track, remember, be informed, teach and lots more. We’ve decided to collect the essential five top […]