8 Apps for Your Apple Healthcare Kit

For those of us who are health conscious out there, Apple’s newest iOS 8 update comes with really useful new features: the ability for a number of health and fitness products to share information with your iOS device through a new service called Healthkit. Consequently, […]

Fitness App Review: Pacer

Fitness App Review: Pacer

I am pretty obsessed about walking. Perhaps obsessed is a strong word, but what else would you call someone who loves knowing just how many steps she takes a day? So yeah I bought myself a pedometer and used it till I discovered Pacer. Obviously […]

Fitness App Review: MapMyFitness

Fitness App Review: MapMyFitness

I’m so excited to write about MapMyFitness in our Fitness App review series. I started using this app a month ago, mainly out of curiosity. To be completely honest, I didn’t think I would last so long because I usually get bored of apps after […]

Health and fitness apps

5 Great Health and Fitness Apps

Smartphones are really making it a lot easier for us to keep track of our health and wellness what with all the cool apps they have to help you track, remember, be informed, teach and lots more. We’ve decided to collect the essential five top […]