Oh-Oh: North Korean Drones!

Oh-Oh: North Korean Drones!

Ah, North Korea. They’re a standup comedian’s dream! Operating under a ridiculous filial dictatorship with a ‘command’ economy, it owns an isolated population bereft of any means of modern communication and has a military dependent on Soviet equipment that was already redundant when the old […]

Boeing’s New Drone Destroyer

Boeing’s New Drone Destroyer

What’s this I hear about you shopping in your local army/navy store for a helmet? Are you getting wee skid marks in your tighty-whities about the possibilities of a drone invasion? Hundreds of drones bearing decals for Iran and ISIS carrying dirty plutonium bombs over […]

Drones Breaking Into Prison!

Drones Breaking Into Prison!

As we all know, criminals and technology can make for a highly toxic cocktail. Now, of course, we’re hearing every day about master criminals out of the Russian Federation stealing all our credit card information. There’s also the shrugging acceptance in Europe, North and South […]