The Street Drinker’s Manifesto

The Street Drinker’s Manifesto

Picture this, Internet. You’re sitting atop a breezy, glorious hill, the sun is setting, lights are flickering on to greet the night shadows, and meteors are probably threatening the very existence of our planet (in a good way). Friendly chatter surrounds you, and the evening […]

How To Drink Tequila Like A Man

How To Drink Tequila Like A Man

Hold up! Put down the salt and lime. It’s time to take things to the next level. Tequila wasn’t always the party drink favored by women everywhere, nor was it the sexy lick-salt-off-your-belly prelude to sexy time as seen in movies. It wasn’t always chased […]

Mixing Your Drinks: The Rules!

Mixing Your Drinks: The Rules!

As a Brit living in Spain, one of the few things I used to miss about the ‘old country’ is the vast array of beer available. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a nice glass of wine (and good Iberian wine is second to none) […]

Powdered Alcohol is Here

There are certain things in life I think I would enjoy more if they had been around when I was a bit younger. It’s like reading Catcher in the Rye, or listening to Black Flag’s Damaged album; if you’re a teenager with all the angst, […]