Henry Deltoid's Beer Review: Yards Brawler

Henry Deltoid’s Beer Review: Yards Brawler

I certainly love to explore the wild and inventive recipes and methods the craft beer community has to offer. Mixing styles from different regions together. Adding funky ingredients such as candies, spices, fruits, and vegetables. Aging the brews in liquor barrels. And aging these bottled […]

Mixing Your Drinks: The Rules!

Mixing Your Drinks: The Rules!

As a Brit living in Spain, one of the few things I used to miss about the ‘old country’ is the vast array of beer available. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a nice glass of wine (and good Iberian wine is second to none) […]

Henry Deltoid's Mexican Booze review

Henry Deltoid’s Mexican Beer Review

Bienvenidos, mis amigos!  Right now, the one and only Henry Deltoid is in Los Cabos, Mexico, at an all-inclusive resort (yes, I am arrogant enough to refer to myself in the third person, so SUCK IT).  Naturally, during my stay I fully intend on exploiting […]