Trans Porn Site Offers to Fund Gender Reassignment Surgeries

Regardless of how you might feel about reality TV celebrities, their impact on today’s world is undeniable. You can bet on any Kardashian-related occurrence to get a lot more traction just because of the exposure they can give to any specific cause.

Bruce Jenner’s recent coming out as a transgender woman is hardly unique, but 17 million people did tune into ABC for the 20/20 two hour interview with the former Olympic gold medalist, and that alone introduced a more personal take on transgender issues to millions of people that wouldn’t have been exposed to it otherwise.

One of the people touched by Jenner’s story was Ross Bleustein, a Miami-based co-owner of the trans porn site, who got inspired to start a program that offers help to transgender people who want to share their story in hopes of getting financial aid to fund their costly gender reassignment surgeries.

“As someone who runs a business dealing with hundreds if not thousands of transgender women, I know firsthand what these amazing people go through,” Bleustein said in a press release. “I have spoken to so many of our brave and courageous models and heard stories that from a very young age they felt like they were born in the wrong body. Stories about how hard it was growing up and how the majority of them were ridiculed starting at very young age and that the discrimination still hasn’t stopped.”

The transition treatments for both MTF (Male to Female) and FTM (Female to Male) are highly expensive, as many of them include hormone injections, breast implants/removals and sexual reassignment surgeries. Insurance companies view these as aesthetic procedures and choose not to cover their costs, so transitioning can take years for some people, based solely on financial reasons.

Jenner’s exposure may have inspired the idea, but as a very wealthy person, the cost of his transition is easily affordable. This grant application is aimed to those without the means to be who they’ve always felt like because of the extremely expensive (and long) process. Many have to save for years to be able to complete their treatment.

The website is very simple: They just want to hear your story. Our guess is the more emotional/touching/inspiring, the better your chances of getting your surgery funded. It’s unclear how many reassignments they’ll fund or how much of each of them, but if you’re in the early stages of transitioning, trying it out could be worth your while. also hopes that Jenner could become a spokesperson for the cause — undoubtedly aware of the exposure this would give to the site.

“Our hope is that Jenner will see what we are doing and become involved in our goal and perhaps even let us rename the fund after him,” Bleustein said. “Transphobia is something that is rampant in our society. Young trans people have one of the highest suicide rates in the United States and the trans movement is years behind the gay rights movement. Someone needed to step up and become a voice for this fast growing group of people and Jenner is the perfect person for that job.”

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