There are a lot of cocktails in the world, but there are a few every man should know how to make. I’m not even talking about the more complicated stuff out there. I’m talking about the classic cocktails that you should have in your cocktail making arsenal. At some point of your life you should evolve out of only drinking beers or taking tequila shots. Aside from being popular at parties, knowing how to make these cocktails (or any cocktail) well is just a great life skill to have. I’ve compiled videos on how to make five of the more popular cocktails. Here are 5 cocktails you should know how to make:


A good mojito is hard to find. For some reason bartenders the world over seem to screw up this simple, minty drink. When made right a mojito will go down smooth and after one too many the sugar crash will give you a massive hangover – but worth it! Am I right?


The favorite drink of girls all over America it would seem. A good drink to have in your arsenal – it’s sure to impress the ladies. Here we have master mixologist Jim Meehan take us through the Margarita making journey.


Ah yes, thank to Bond, James Bond, the Martini has had a long life – even amongst the young uns’. Shaken or stirred, Jim Meehan walks you through how to make a perfect classic Martini to show off with your friends.

Gin and Tonic

If there ever was a great summer drink, this would be it. Gin has made a spectacular comeback the past couple of years. We have more gin that we can drink – but we sure shall try! Anyhow, this drink is super easy to make and yet, so many bars screw it up. So listen to good ol’ Jamie Oliver as he makes his best gin and tonic.

Bloody Mary

After all that drinking, we need another the next day to take the edge away. Spoken like a true alcoholic. The Bloody Mary, the perfect hangover cure – sort of. Nice and spicy and when done right, packs a nice punch. I always trust a man who can make a great Bloody Mary!

Go forth and enjoy!

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