
… either way you’re pounding the skin, right?

Drummers have long been the butt of many a joke for decades – so much so that there are entire websites dedicated to the practice – and the ability to tubthump competently has never really been given the respect it probably deserves.

And so it probably won’t help the reputation of drummers worldwide when you realize just how difficult it is to determine whether or they are cumming or drumming. This handy little website will make more of a splash than a wave when you try and determine – by looking at a cropped photo of a gurning face – whether the man or woman in question is in the throes of ecstasy or simply concentrating really hard and trying to keep up with everybody on a basic 4/4 beat.


Music and porn aficionados among you may scoff, but it really is harder than it looks. The game that is, not trying to cum or keep a beat; although the latter two can be quite difficult at times too. It’s something of a cymbal of how little difference there is between the two activities.

For those of you reading this from work: first, thanks for taking the time out to join us from your non-air conditioned death pit. And secondly, there is both a SFW and NSFW version so anyone – regardless of your employer’s incredibly lame internet filter – can pick up and play. Just like drumming and/or sex… the circle of life indeed.


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