Recently we did an article on whether or not to add sprinting to your workouts. As you now know sprinting is a great whole body workout that can help you burn fat quickly, increase endurance and build muscles. But if you’ve never sprinted before, perhaps its better to start with some basics. Remember that you will need to warm up a lot before you start sprinting. Don’t skip your warm up or you might injure yourself. Here are some videos to get you started:

How to Sprint: The beginning

Here’s some great tips on how to keep your form when you’re sprinting by DeStorm Power.

How to Sprint: More tips

More tips by DeStorm Power. This time he goes deeper in proper form while giving you some drills to help you out.

Let’s Begin: Sprinting Workout for Beginners

Now that you know the form and how to sprint, here’s a great beginners workout for sprinting. Remember, it’s very important to add some dynamic stretching and warm ups before you sprint to avoid injuries.

Interval Sprints: Let’s start burning some fat!

If you’re wondering how to incorporate sprinting into your workout, then this video shows you some neat workouts to do. They might look simple, but trust me, you will feel the burn.

I’d advise you to take it easy. You don’t need to sprint everyday. In fact, once every seven to 10 days is great if you’re starting out building up to twice a week. Good luck and let me know how it goes!

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